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I realize you don’t have a testimony until you have a TEST.  I haven’t smuggled drug, nor taken them.  I haven’t had a baby out of wedlock, although when I was dating the man I later married, it’s a wonder I didn’t get pregnant.

You see, when I was 4 I was sexually molested by a neighbor.  That put a sexual spirit in me that I had until I was about 40.

Being born into a Christian family was the best.  My father was Sunday School Superintendent,  my mother taught Sunday School, my two much older sister were big workers in the church and I had almost perfect attendance at Sunday School since I was 6 weeks old.  (At least that’s what my mother said.)

Every Sunday found me in the choir, or playing the piano.  On Sunday I was a good girl, but I won’t tell you what I did Monday through Saturday, but sex was always on my mind.  I was even a lesbian when I was younger.

It was while I was going through the breakup of my 21 year marriage and finding my husband in bed with another woman that I knew I needed something more than just being a Christian on Sunday.  My friend Arden told me I knew all about Jesus, but I didn’t know Him.  I said of course I know Him, and started naming all the things I did in the church.  She said, “If you knew Jesus the way you should know Him, you would think of Him at least once an hour tomorrow.”  As I was getting ready for bed the next night I thought, “My Lord, I haven’t thought of Him all day.” 

For the next two weeks God had a plan for my life.  At the culmination of those two weeks, our church, that didn’t say “Read your bible” or “You need to be born again” had a Lay Witness Week-end. One of the ladies befriended me and on the last night asked if I would like to re-dedicate my life to Jesus.  You see, when I was 9 I went forward at an evangelist meeting, and I got, what my late husband used to call “Fire Insurance” but even though I had a little pilot light of the Holy Spirit in me, I didn’t have the full flame of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, likes it talks about in John and Acts.

This sweet lady led me in a prayer for the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” and His spirit became alive in me.  I started jumping, crying, laughing,  and speaking in tongues all at the same time and I have never been the same.

I am privileged to have smuggle bibles behind the iron curtain in 1982, obtain a CAS (Certified Addiction Specialist) degree, become ordained, and along with my three children, help with a Billy Graham Crusade. I later marry two incredible Christian men who are both waiting for me in heaven.

After my second husband went to be with Jesus I asked the Lord to let me be a missionary and in His mercy on Feb. 26, 1983 I married Dick Witherow who was the director of the Gospel Rescue Mission on the Palm Beaches.

Together we founded the Regeneration Center, an alcohol and drug program.  We started going in all the prisons in South Fl. and in 1989 founded Matthew 25 Ministries, a prison ministry.    While still going into prisons, (which I do to this day,) we started housing “Returning Citizens” and we now have 130 at our new corporation called “Restoration Destination.”

I can’t tell you just one scripture that is my favorite, but I believe Psalms 37 :3,4, and 5 is true.  Trust in the Lord and do good.  Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.  Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord, trust Him and He will do this.”  He certainly continues to give me the desires of my heart.

Maggie Witherow

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