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And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.Revelation 12 :11
In September, 2015 the website was built by Joshua R. We chose four ministries we believed the LORD wanted us to support to the best of our ability.
In March 2016 we filed articles to become a Florida NOT FOR PROFIT corporation: 6 LIGHTS IN THE DESERT, CORP. Since February 16, 2017 we have sent two nominal donations to the ministries named below. THEY ARE NOT A DEBT WE OWE BUT A SEED WE SOW.
Mathew 25 Ministies
A local ministry assisting men coming out of the prison system, with a safe place to live . It helps them reenter society and begin establishing themselves as productive members of the community. Their past indiscretions are not held against them. This ministry also provides a church that welcomes them and shares the love of Christ.​
Restoration Bridge
A weekly mission food bank that blesses families and people in need through a staff whose incentive is the love of Jesus Christ. 600 families a week are blessed through this ministry.
Project Hope
Project Hope
A mission that provides transportation to and from a church that cares for the homeless and needy people of West Palm beach. Offers a hot breakfast and lunch; showers and clean clothes are provided. A Christ based worship service is available to all. It is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended.
Night of Freedom
​A safe and sober event available twice a month that provides; transportation, a hot meal, fun and games, auctions off new bicycles. Most important the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed along with an awesome praise service.
All Donations are Tax Deductible
To donate to anyone of the ministries above click Here!
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