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The Grace of God is one of the most important aspects of God’s intervention and assistance in our lives. We really need it at all times to live successful, victorious Christian lives. Grace has been defined as God’s unmerited Favor. More specifically, it is God’s Enabling Presence and power; to overcome, perform, persevere through trials, walk in the Power and will of God, etc. It is how we were designed by God ; His empowerment and our collaboration to Walk in the Spirit and live out our destiny of bringing about His Kingdom on earth. So, how do we get it? We ask for it, depend on God and rely on Him for it, and constantly position ourselves for it by being Humble, with no aspects of Pride in our lives at all. James 4:6 says ‘God opposes the proud, but gives favor to the Humble’. The last person I want to oppose me is the Lord; I want his FAVOR… that powerful enabling presence. So, being Humble and giving all thanks and Glory to God, thinking of others more than ourselves, denying self are examples of humility. But we don’t want to short-circuit that Favor and power of God by any semblance of Pride either. That means not taking offense.. (that person hurt me by what He , or she, said…they harmed me in some way, I must retaliate To defend my pride.). No…Forgive!. Unforgiveness is the next progression of offense; if left unchecked it can lead to resentment, and eventually Division, which was Satan’s goal all along. How many families does this happen to. Now no one can benefit from God’s intervention, He can only resist them; while the Enemy will continue to devour them. Paul discovered the destruction of pride and the path to Grace in Corinthians. He knew the Lord had given Him this ‘Thorn’ to keep him from being proud. It caused him to continue to depend on God for His grace and power to move on despite the problem. The Lord told him ”My Grace is sufficient for you ; for My POWER is made perfect in in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) So Paul said: then I welcome and delight in weaknesses, persecutions, insults, trials, etc. … for then, when I am weak, I am made strong! If it had been easy, he would have fallen into the’ look what ‘I’ am doing,’ instead of what God was doing through him, by allowing His grace to empower him.

So, another aspect of pride is relying on your own understanding, skills, etc to solve problems, pursue goals or just fixing things in your life. Instead, pray about everything first, ask God His way, ask for his help (Grace), and let Him know you need it and then rely on it ,and trust in it. This will change your life. When you are walking in the Favor of God, you will walk with ease, less stress, and peace in everything. Trials and problems will either be ‘fixed’ or he will show you the solutions. Every one will work out for Good and you will be Blessed in the end. You will get Divine appointments for success and financial blessings in your business and ministry, peace and Joy. Yes, when you are in you car, even that perfect parking place and favor in traffic. GOD’S GRACE…It is one of the greatest gifts from you loving Father…. Position yourself for it!!

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